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How important cyber security is?

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To be fully aware of the importance of cybersecurity in a company, we present some interesting facts related to the issue we are interested in.


Frequency of attacks: There are about 2244 cyberattacks every day, which means that hackers attack every 4 seconds


Hacker motivations: 71% of cyberattacks are about money, and 25% of attacks are motivated by espionage


Small businesses in the crosshairs: A whopping 41% of cyberattacks target small businesses, which often don't have adequate security in place 


Ransomware: In 2020, ransomware, which is data blocking and demanding ransom malware, caused more than $20 billion in losses worldwide


The Cost of Cybercrime: The overall cost of cybercrime worldwide is already reaching astronomical sums, exceeding $6 trillion per year


Phishing: Phishing, or scams that impersonate trusted people or institutions for the purpose of obtaining data, accounts for about 90% of all cyberattacks


Bearing in mind the above examples, we remind you to be as careful as possible when being active online, both private and business. Report any suspicious messages to the IT security department, do not click on unknown links, remember how important the secure password policy is, do not open suspicious attachments.

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